Andrew's guest blog: Well, we're finally all packed and ready for our trip to Eastern Europe, er, I mean
Central Europe. I read somewhere online that the Poles don't like for it to be said that Poland is in Eastern Europe. The pic is of me sitting at our dippy little airport—one good thing it does have is that it (still) has free wireless. And power. When I flew through DFW I saw that they were now charging for electricity. And the only "free" power outlet was somewhere behind a bank of vending machines. And both outlets were being used by laptopers such as myself...so I was SOL.
Our first leg of the trip takes us some distance out of our way since we travel northwest to Chicago. Then it's something like an 11 hour flight to Europe. I'll probably bang a bit on the laptop, read a book, watch a movie, or snooze, or all of the above most likely. One of the better flights I was on recently was to Stockholm when I got lucky enough to fly business class. Reclining seats with your own DVD player and power for the laptop. It was nice. Today flying LOT I have no idea what to expect. It's a Boeing 767 but I find them not as well equipped as the Airbuses (sorry, I know how some of you readers prefer Boeings, but I've yet to see your own personal DVD player on a Boeing; I'm pretty sure the A330 has them, even in economy class).
I think that's about it—we lose a day in transit so we don't get in till Monday afternoon. Then it's either a taxi or bus to our hotel. Bon voyage to us!