Caught in the Rain

Last night Andrew had another gig at the 356 club, and he reports that it was a great success and the crowd kept asking for "One more song!" I didn't go see them play since I find it tough to stay up until 3:00am. Next up for the band is going into the recording studio to make a 3 song demo CD. Andrew is really having lots of fun with all the band stuff. This afternoon we went out on the sailboat to motor around and have a swim, but we were quickly caught by an approaching pop up thunderstorm. You can see the big rain coming down in the distance over Andrew's shoulder in the top photo. We motored back as quick as possible back to the slip, and just got the boat tied up when the first rain drops started coming down. We holed up inside the cabin while the lightning and rain crashed down all around us. Something different I'll say, but we both would have rather been floating around in the water and sun instead. We are back into our normal afternoon popup thunderstorm weather pattern so it makes boating a challenge, especially in a sailboat where on the water the mast is the tallest point around.
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