We're Back
We made it back from Warsaw and had a really good time. I am going through the ton of photos and movies I took and will be making some posts on that. Here is one shot of Andrew drinking a coffee at an outdoor cafe on Novy Swiat street - a long and very pretty street with lots of shops and outdoor eating. We lucked out on the weather and every day was sunny although unusually hot. When we got back I was pleased to see that my drip irrigation system that I purchased from Walmart and setup just before we left was working and my herbs were thriving. This photo is from before the trip - now the herbs are absolutely gigantic and I must start drying them since I can't use them all up fresh. I have a whole box of italian parsley, 3 kinds of basil, oregano and marjoram.
I am now a big fan of drip irrigation and must start setting it up in the garden. We got home late on Sunday, and then had house guests on Monday and Tuesday night - some friends from Idaho came through on their month long vacation and it was great to see them and get in a few hands of bridge. The cats were a little skittish having just got back from their jailhouse but now everything is back to normal and they are acting fine. This past weekend Andrew and I went power boating on Saturday and we both got a little sunburned.
We were wearing suntan lotion but it must have rubbed off or something. Sunday we wanted to go to the sailboat but my legs were too burned and I didn't want to put them in the sun again. We made a scallop and linguine dish last night with a shallot and white wine sauce. It turned out pretty good but I think we used too much pasta.
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