Gardening Update

The peony plants I put in last year as little nubs put out 3 beautiful flowers this year - very fragrant but too heavy for the stems. The rain storm 2 nights ago knocked them down so I've got little tree sticks trying to hold them up. Next year I will need to get some peony supports. On the weekend I chopped down the lilac bush at the corner of the garage. I will be hacking out the roots this coming weekend. The branches were covered in some sort of white fungus and it just didn't look too healthy. I was pushing it anyways trying to get a lilac to do well here in the southeast - it is just too humid for them. That corner seems a little funny without the tall lilac, but now I can easily see the big hostas and the hydrangeas - perhaps they will do better with a bit more sun? Or perhaps they will do worse!
Great efforts! Taking same measures in making our environment green will lead to reduction in Global warming.
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