New Plants
Planting in the high heat of summer is not the best thing to do since it can stress out the plants, but with regular hand watering I hope to see them through to the fall when the temperatures get cooler. We are in for a stretch of high 90s this week. Yesterday and today are perfect power boating days but unfortunately Andrew is on yet another business trip (to San Diego) and so once again I am landlocked. I thought about taking the boat out myself but I'd probably have trouble managing the lines and docking by myself. Yesterday I finished planting all the trees and shrubs I've bought over the last few weeks, and today I will be spreading mulch around their root zones to hold in the water. I planted 3 emerald green conifers, 4 camelias, 5 gardenias, 1 weigelia, 3 loropetalums, and 3 golden euonymous.
After all that work, around 3:00pm the cats and I were ready for a forest walk. We went down to the dock and then decided to check out the beaver dam and walk down the now very overgrown deer path along the boat channel. I couldn't see any deer tracks so I don't think the deer are around as much as they are in the winter. There were lots of wildflowers blooming which looked very pretty, but I would rather see the whole thing under water! The cats stuck close as usual and then we turned around for home. Both Sidney and Harley were panting quite heavily, so I didn't want to tire them out too much. They both took big drinks at the small creek and then Harley jumped up on the bricks to pass out. I went inside to make dinner, penne pasta with fresh tomatoes from the compost pile, and then catch up on Andrew's blog. I also called Charlie and Pam, and it was great to talk to them again. Pam got married last year and Charlie hopes to be back on the internet in October. It is fun doing ichats with her.
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