I found an old photo from May 2002 just after I planted a crepe myrtle by the garage. Five years later, that same crepe myrtle is absolutely huge. This really shows me that I have to respect the mature size of plants even though they look so tiny when I first plant them. I have a tendency to crowd everything together when planting which only leads to plant failure and overcrowding a few years later. We also have some free tomatoes growing in my compost box around back. They must have started from a few seeds thrown in one day from the compost pail. So I have tried to stake them a little and we will see if they turn red before the bugs get them.
Yesterday we wanted to go boating but it turned out to be very cloudy. I suggested we go to the 10 hole par 3 for something different. It has been about 2 years since I picked up a club and even longer for Andrew, so we were pleased that we were able to still make contact. I got a couple of pars but mostly it was 5 and 6s.
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