More Books
More books to read, mostly cooking but one other on surfing. It's about the legendary (in surf circles at least) photographer Ron Stoner who at 21 years old in 1965 was the best surf photographer in the business, making lots of money and at the top of his game. Then by 1970 drugs and mental illness took over and by 1977 he had disappeared, never to be seen again. His shots are fantastic. They really capture the early days of unspoiled (and unmarketed) surfing in California. Its a nice coffee table book for the pictures and yet there is the whole story to read. Which I've yet to get around to. The other books are french cooking books, old school stuff published in the 1960s and 70s. I am wondering lately why I am ordering french cookbooks when I am seriously trying to reduce the amount of animal products in my diet and cook more vegan. It is quite the contrast in styles. Maybe I need to invent a new cooking idea, french vegetarian.
I am about to order another slew of books (all on cooking) and I think that will end it for cooking books for a few years. I've got a lot to get through, comprehend, cook and digest. The cats are still outside and its after 8:00pm. I went on the deck to see if they're around and saw a baby mantis on the drain pipe, under our outside light. This is why I don't bug spray the yard with insecticide, I love seeing these guys do the work for me. There are a gazillion baby frogs out now too, all over the yard. Eat those bugs!
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