Back in the yard again
For the last few weeks my right shoulder has been hurting in the joint area if I raise it and put weight on it at the same time. I think the strain might have happened from the day I was preparing the site for the greenhouse base - I must have over did it with the dirt shovelling. So I have laid off on doing any yard work to try to mend it, but today I decided I couldn't stay indoors any longer. After work today I did a lot of clipping back and tidying up of perennials that were nipped by the hard freezes of late. It was fantastic to be back in the yard doing stuff and breathing the fresh air. I really like gardening and being outside. Afterwards I cracked a beer (a Stella Artois from Belgium) and went for a forest walk with the cats. We didn't get in until just before 6:00pm. The weather has warmed up now and the crickets (or frogs?) are back to their chirping. If it wasn't for the cars in the background, you'd think we're living in the country, but we are just 5 minutes away from work!.

Dinner tonight was the leftovers of a new dish that we made last night - Fettucini with red beans and pesto. It tasted great and we also had the leftovers of the sinful dessert as well - Molten Chocolate Cake with icecream. Delicious! We now know that we don't hate pesto - that other pesto-based meal must have truly been a bad recipe.
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