Happiness is...a little green garden

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Harley is back at home

On Monday after work, I noticed Harley's left eye was a little swollen and the third eyelid was covering up part of her eye. She also didn't want her afternoon treats and just went to lay down on her new cat bed for the rest of the evening until we went to bed. Tuesday morning she looked even worse and didn't eat her morning fancy feast let alone her usual second and third breakfasts. Again she just wanted to lie down and sleep, so we left her inside all day. After work on Tuesday we took her to the vet, but he had taken the afternoon off and so we were to come back first thing in the morning. She still hadn't eaten anything. Halloween evening we spent giving out candy with our neighbors (a fun time!), with both cats staying indoors. Harley still wasn't feeling good and I thought she was rather hot. Wednesday morning she was admitted to the vet with a fever, a swollen left eye that had turned red, and extreme lethargy and lack of appetite. She stayed over night and we were able to bring her home at 6:00pm today - I am so happy about that! It turns out she had some plastic in her intestine which might have caused the fever. I have no idea where she got that from, perhaps from a neighbor's garbage or something I guess. Her eye still looks a little wonky, but I am happy to report that she has now eaten 3 times at home with her usual dry cat food and 1 time with some moist food. She is a little stinky from the enemas and looks thin, but I think she is on the mend - she has been meowing a lot trying to tell me all about it. I hope her eye gets better soon. We will be keeping her inside for the next few days to monitor her. Tonight Andrew is playing at another gig at the 356 club. I just phoned him with an update on Harley so he didn't have to worry and I hope he has a good time banging those drums.


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