Happiness is...a little green garden

Sunday, October 29, 2006

The Boat is Clean!

The weather was sunny and so we decided to pull the boat out and clean the bottom. Quite a big job but now it's over and the boat is looking cleaner. The bottom will never again be factory clean because the lake water turns it orange and a lot of plants try to grow on it too, see the photo. Andrew gets the most difficult job of cleaning the bottom on his back using a creeper. I scrub the engine with a toothbrush and then clean the interior. As usual I got a chunk of skin removed while cleaning the propeller - it is super sharp and it cuts wet skin like butter. The boat is ready for its season-end servicing and then storage until next spring. This winter we will be spraying on a monthly basis for ants and other bugs. Hopefully we will avoid the ant invasion we had this year.


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