Boat Maintenance
Saturday we worked very hard in the back yard moving dirt to create a level a spot for the greenhouse base. Andrew installed power and water lines and then we filled in the trench and leveled everything. Next up is finishing the staining and then we can assemble. We will need to put in a gravel and brick floor and then Andrew can finish up the connections for the water and power. I also planted 6 bearded iris risomes in the front yard area - 3 pink 'Caprice' and 3 purple 'Babbling Brooke'. They should provide a little height and some nice blooms in the late spring next year. This morning I awoke very stiff and sore from all the raking and shovelling. That dirt is heavy stuff!
Today we went down to the sailboat to take pictures of the mainsheet cam cleat that needs replacing and Andrew sealed off the end of the mainsheet since it was fraying. This video shows our slip and surrounding area. The marina did a great job fixing up the broken fuel line - we now have a modern 'quick connect' fitting and a nice supple fuel line. We drove up to Greenville so Andrew could get yet another mike stand for his drums, and of course I had to stop at Whole Foods and Barnes and Noble! Although I like living in a small town, I miss the convenience of having good shopping nearby. It is a hassle to have to drive 1 hour one way just to go to the mall.
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