Gorgeous Day
The garden is beginning to bloom now. The Yoshino cherries are out and just gorgeous. And of course the creeping/moss phlox, I have both pink and emerald blue. My tomatoes, peppers, basil and parsley are doing well in the greenhouse but with this increase in temps I think I need to get them all planted outside. I have ordered some tomato cages online and hopefully they show up next week before we take off. But regardless, I hope to get off my lazy butt and put them in the ground tomorrow. I did manage to not be lazy for the last few days and successfully saved 2 hydrangeas from a late frost by covering them up with an old sheet. I only had enough old sheets for 2, so my other 6 or so will most likely not have any blooms again, just like last year, when I had none! Saturday is forecast a chance of rain, so I think I'll go shopping in Greenville for some new clothes.
Yeah you're blogging again. So Happy! We want Both of yo to blog. Thanks and have fun on your trip.
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