It's Friday!

Friday, the best day of the week. After work today I went to a local nursery and bought two dwarf conifers and an arborvitae. I got them planted out with Andrew's help. The arborvitae is "Degroot's Spire' and I've planted it at the corner of the deck, replacing a lavatera "Barnsley" whose roots had turned to mush. The arborvitae will grow about 20ft tall but only 4 ft wide, so it should fill in that space nicely. The two dwarf confiers are both Hinoki Cypress. The first is "Verdoni" and the second is "Nana Gracilis". They weren't cheap but they are both very healthy and hopefully will last longer than me. They will both grow to about 6ft tall after 20 years - they are very slow growers, about 3" per year. We made two new dishes this week: Three Bean Super Stew and tonight's meal, a delicate Red Lentil Soup. Both were very tasty and we will make them again. Tomorrow we hope to put down some top dressing on the lawn and overseed. My sister emailed me that she is heading to the Okanagan Fall Wine Festival for her 4 day Canadian Thanksgiving break. It sounds like a lot of fun and I hope she 'samples' lots of wine :-) 
I made a new webpage showing my garden's evolution from 1998 until now. You can view it here, but note that if you click on the icons the images are quite large so it will take some time to download. The yard sure has been transformed from the early days. The weather is perfect with a nice breeze this evening. I opened up the windows and Harley took advantage.
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