More Rain Today
Yesterday afternoon we watched the football game and Clemson beat North Carolina 52-7. Then the sun poked its head out so Sidney and I went outside for a garden tour. Harley is turning into a bit of a housecat and so she just wanted to stay inside and sleep. We came across a turtle under the japanese maple. I guess Sidney has seen lots of turtles before since she didn't make a big fuss about it. She was more excited to just keep moving along with the tour.
It is great that the cats love keeping me company when I am gardening. My one remaining aster is blooming now - I love the color and I think I will move it to a more sunny location. It should be about 4 feet tall but mine is only about 1 foot tall. I don't think it is getting enough sun. The other two that I planted with it have died, so I would like to save this one if possible.
After the tour I stayed outside and did some yard maintenance for a few hours around the side of the house. Morning glory vine had grown up onto (and into!) the vinyl siding so I hacked and pulled that all down. What an obnoxious weed. I also had to prune back the azeleas and rhododendron by the electric metering fixture - I like to have a 1 foot gap between the house foundation and any plantings. Andrew's fix on extending the outlet pipe is working and now the excess water is going onto the plants rather than the foundation. Our heating guy won't be back at work until Oct 2 so we are waiting for him and meanwhile the water is still running - but a few more weeks shouldn't make a big difference. I have finished my first quilt. Sewing up the binding did not take as long as I thought I would. Andrew wants me to make him one next.
There is a large line of thundershowers heading our way so this afternoon will be wet. It also rained in the middle of the night last night. The plants and the lawns are loving it! But no boating this weekend. On the agenda today is meal planning and grocery shopping, housework and workwork (for Andrew), and hopefully an ichat with Charlie in Canada!
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