Dead Plants
After work today I went outside and started weeding the half moon circle bed, cut back the daylilies that have finished for the season now, and removed the dead plants. Earlier in the spring I had planted 3 gorgeous beautiful blue azaleas in this bed, but unfortunately this heat and drought have killed them. I am realizing that I need to make installing the drip irrigation system a much higher priority, otherwise, if this drought continues next year, I won't be able to plant anything in the spring without needing to water constantly by hand throughout the summer (which I don't have the desire to do each day).
In the spring I can't resist buying and planting new things because the nurseries suck me in with all their flowers on display. Fall is the best time to plant here, but planting bare root or bare stemmed plants just isn't as exciting. Tomorrow I will water and spread mulch on this bed and then move onto the next bed. The weeds are really kicking in high gear now. Back inside, after dinner, I reorganized the pantry a bit more and I am happy I made the effort. I now can see the actual shelves and this means we can buy more food, ha ha. Dinner for me was left over rice, brocoli and chickpeas, heated up with a little cashew curry sauce that I got from Whole Foods. Simple, fast and nutritious. I bet Andrew is happy he is in Boston - he emailed me that he's going out for a steak dinner tonight!
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