Cooking Show
Well another week is coming to a close - last weekend we went out boating and Andrew insisted on wearing only a 4 suntan lotion. He fried up like a lobster and now his forehead is peeling. I used 45 and still managed to get some color, so that tells you how intense the sun can get. I hope he will consider using 30 next time. I have had to suspend my morning workouts this week because my knees are hurting. I think I have over done it on the high impact of running on the treadmill. This is a real drag since I want to get back into working out regularily. Now my knees hurt even to walk. But they will get better and then I will have to use the elliptical machine instead of the treadmill. Or perhaps the stationary bikes. So I haven't been doing any yard work this week, but the weather is still in the mid 90's so I don't mind being forced to stay inside.

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