Happiness is...a little green garden

Friday, July 14, 2006

Dog Days

The summer heat and humidity is here in full force. It is hard to do much but sit around after work. Each afternoon there are rumblings of thunder and sometimes we get a pop up shower, but lately the rain clouds have been just to the north and just to the south. Today I mowed the grass and it turns out Andrew was stealth filming me. I guess it is about time I was in a video but please ignore my fat ass - I am working on that! Last night we watched the most terrible movie I had seen in a long time: The New World. Spare yourself and do not rent this. It is a mindless 2 hours of watching people walk around doing nothing but staring wistfully into the distance. Our home theatre video projector has bit the big one and we are now having to watch movies on the TV. Oh the horror! Andrew is trying to get it fixed but realistically we aren't that hopeful. Tonight we are going to watch "Pride and Prejudice". Netflix has been great with the turn around on movies and we are impressed with the service, but now that the home theatre is bust, movie night just isn't the same.


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