Happiness is...a little green garden

Monday, July 31, 2006

96 Degrees

They are forecasting 96 degrees today and tomorrow - the country is still in a heat wave. I notice that Vancouver is a very pleasant 70 degrees and sunny for the next week and I'm jealous! I took a photo of the last oriental lily for this season. It is a pretty one but I don't know the cultivar. It came from one of those boxes of mixed bulbs. Yesterday I went shopping and bought some more things for the kitchen. Since we are getting into cooking a bit more, our pantry is stuffed full so we need better organization. I bought some canisters which should help and I also reorganized the pantry. I bought some large cutting boards after realizing that Andrew needs a bigger chopping board so he doesn't get onions all over the place.
On Saturday I made some focaccia bread. It was very easy but I let it brown just a little too much. Next time I will keep a better eye on that. The cats are missing Andrew but they still are playing a little in the evenings. I got a shot of Sidney attacking the rat toy on the tower the other night. She really likes to lick things to death.


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