Hunter Killer
Sidney was in fine form the other day, bringing me a freshly killed chipmunk. It was already dead by the time I saw it, so no chance of rescuing it. I did rescue a baby snake and several skinks. The skinks will drop off their tails as a defense mechanism I guess. The blue tail keeps wriggling and the skink then tries to get away. Awhile later I saw that Sidney had eaten the chipmunk, leaving just the hind legs, tail and a bit of bowel behind. Then the flies were all over it, and then Harley came along and ate the rest (but not the tail). Gross. I hope her stomach can kill all the fly larve.
We had our first tropical style storm 2 days ago - 82 degrees and warm breezes with the afternoon popup thundercloud. And lots of steady rain yesterday, today was nice and sunny but breezy. Tonight they are forecasting a chance of patchy frost, it is going down to 39 degrees so I hope I don't lose any plants. Crazy weather!! But right now on the deck it is very nice.
Wow nice. When I was in Texas my cat, twice, brought me a teenage rabbit. It was not just sleeping..
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