Gardening Update
I have two small green tomatoes growing so there is enough sun in this location to produce something. The plants themselves are quite tall now and perhaps 20-30 blooms? I can see that they should have more sun but I must work with what I've got. I can't chop down the forest trees, the corps of engineers would not like that. I've also got a couple of pepper blooms (the small white flower) and a few blooms (purple) on my two japanese eggplants. Unfortunately my basil plants are not doing very well this year. Either not enough sun or the cooler weather so far? Last year I had too much basil, and this year not enough. I guess that is what gardening is all about though, you never know quite what you're going to get. It's all a big experiment.
The peony plants I put in last year as little nubs put out 3 beautiful flowers this year - very fragrant but too heavy for the stems. The rain storm 2 nights ago knocked them down so I've got little tree sticks trying to hold them up. Next year I will need to get some peony supports. On the weekend I chopped down the lilac bush at the corner of the garage. I will be hacking out the roots this coming weekend. The branches were covered in some sort of white fungus and it just didn't look too healthy. I was pushing it anyways trying to get a lilac to do well here in the southeast - it is just too humid for them. That corner seems a little funny without the tall lilac, but now I can easily see the big hostas and the hydrangeas - perhaps they will do better with a bit more sun? Or perhaps they will do worse!