Snow Day
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Yesterday morning we awoke at 6:00am to find 4" of snow on the ground and more still coming down. Very exciting. The forecast the night before had said our area would be in the freezing rain section, but overnight the cold air moved much further south and so we got nice fluffy snow instead. What a relief since this meant we wouldn't be losing power. Ice storms are very nasty and very destructive to tree limbs. Andrew drove off in the truck to do his normal workout and I did mine at home. By 7:30 the university announced it was closed all day and so everyone got the day off!! Yeah I love snow days just as much as a little kid. Around lunch time we tried to take the cats on a walk but they did not like the snow at all. This is the first time the cats have seen snow and it must have been very strange to them. Harley hated the feel of it under her paws. Sidney was a little braver and walked off down the brick path towards the forest, but then we found her hiding under our deck trying to stay dry. So we ended up putting them both back in the house and going for a walk by ourselves. Our garage is flooding again due to the run off which is such a drag. We get out the push broom and push the water out the garage doors and that handles most of it. I guess we need to add more caulking around the perimeter, but perhaps something more serious needs to be done to fix things.

The greenhouse is doing great and I have 100% germination of all the seeds I planted a few weeks ago. I will need to do some thinning in a few weeks. I was worried that the temperatures were going down too low at night for my little heater to handle. So far the heater is keeping things above freezing all but one night where my thermometer measured 27 degrees. We will have lots of herbs this summer provided I can successfully bring these seedlings on through maturity - should be fun!
Hey corey with all the pics of you sailing and nice weather I was wondering if it ever snowed there.
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