Unbelievably warm weather for this time of year - yesterday it was 70 degrees. We had a short sail for 2 hours or so. The wind was around 10 - 14 mph and we basically headed out across the main part of the lake into Georgia and then turned around. A few gusts here and there freaked me out a little since I hate gusts when I am at the helm. Coming back in I took a photo of the lake with the sun peaking out.
We made another home made pizza for dinner last night and then watched the DVD 'A Scanner Darkly'. Neither of us liked that one very much. The story just wasn't there for us. I had higher expectations since the novel on which it was based was written by the same guy that wrote the story that 'Bladerunner' was based on, and that movie was excellent. Today it is the MLK holiday. The weather is a little drizzly so it is probably a stay indoors and veg on the couch type of day - Andrew will probably be working on the computer.
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