Happy New Year!
Happy New Year to everyone! Andrew and I rung it in with a bottle of champagne and then we called Mindy back in Vancouver (and we are still on the phone with her right now!). Mindy had the most horrible trip back home - over 40 hours of delays and overnight in a Denver hotel, etc. etc. but she pulled through and is now home safe and sound, with her bags. We all really enjoyed the winter canoe trip we took. We hauled the canoe up from our dock, loaded it in the truck and launched from the Seneca boat ramp. A most lovely day with sunshine and a slight breeze - great weather for the end of December. Today Andrew and I went shopping up in Greenville and I purchased, among other things, a new set of pasta bowls and a fluted pasta cutter.
When we got home we made another batch of the homemade ravioli which turned out great, the new cutter made such a pretty edge on the raviolis (last time Mindy and I just pinched them with our fingers). We are getting much better at using the pasta maker and had nice uniform 5 inch wide strips this time. And the batch was large enough that we have lots of freezing raviolis in the fridge just waiting for snack time.
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