Back from Winnipeg
We got back from our trip to Winnipeg on Tuesday night. My cousin was getting married and I wanted to visit with my relatives in Carman and participate in the festivities so we took a few days off to visit the prairies. The farmers were in the middle of harvest. The photo to the left is of one of the flower arrangements at the reception hall - the wedding colors were pink and green, which just happen to be my favorite colors right now. We had a great time and hopefully my aunt and uncle will come down here to visit us at some point. I will be making a CD of the photos and movies I took to send to everyone. The other photo is of me standing in front of the historic Fort Garry Hotel in downtown Winnipeg.
We just made it back in time on Tuesday to pick up the cats. There was a huge thunderstorm right when we were getting them, and so everything got soaking wet, including the cat tower and cat carrier. But the cats were thrilled to be back home and just wouldn't shut up for over an hour, including Sidney who is normally very quiet. It was as though they were trying to tell us everything that had happened during their week in jail. Unfortunately I came home with a very bad head cold and had to take Wednesday and Thursday off from work. Flat on my back for 2 days straight, but today (Friday) I went to work and had a bit more energy. I did a little yard work this afternoon and now I am relaxing and ready to watch this evening's movie selection "A Walk in the Clouds". Dinner tonight is soup which I made last night, so I have nothing to do accept lay on the couch. Hopefully this cold is gone quickly and we can go boating on Sunday.
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