Wexford Cream Ale
On Tuesday we had our spring staff picnic at work, and got the afternoon off, so Andrew and I went to Greenville to spend some money. We got some books, clothes, and some items at Whole Foods, including 8 of Andrew's favorite beer, Wexford Cream Ale (which we are drinking right now). Andrew has been busy working on the greenhouse project. I have yet to order the greenhouse and that is making Andrew nervous. In addition to the the killer mockingbirds and industrious beavers of late, we now have to deal with a mystery animal digging up my recently (and only the recently) planted shrubs and perennials from Lowes. On Monday I bought a lot of plants and was starting to plant them out a few at a time after work this week. Every morning, every new plant is lying on the ground, roots exposed and rootball disintegrated, with the dirt and mulch from the planting hole scattered all about. Every morning I replant the plants and the next morning they are pulled up. It must be a possum or raccoon or something else. I am thinking that I'll have to start putting up cages of chicken wire - the plants are not eaten, it is just the soil that is attractive, maybe the animal thinks it contains bugs or worms to eat. I have about 15 plants remaining and have been hesitant to plant them out now. I guess I'll have to take my chances. 
Tonight for dinner we had a new dish: Chickpea Stew. The spices were interesting and powerful according to Andrew. Garam Masala, Ground Ginger, and Ground Tumeric. It reminded me of a middle-eastern or Indian camp fire dish. Very easy to make: chickpeas, potatoes and tomaotes, add spices and cook until tender.
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