Beautiful Gardening Weather

We fished 2 new 20 amp circuits so I will have plenty of power: one circuit for the heater in the winter and the other circuit for lights. Unfortunately I can't site the greenhouse in full sun due to the forest and the homeowner's association rules. So I wil be running lights in the winter and early spring. A couple of garden pictures are here: the first is my one and only Sandra Bernhardt Peony bloom and the second is of the Henri and some other Clematis that finally are starting to earn their keep. The next 2 pictures are of the area under construction: the first shows the eventual end of the new brick path, the path will pass by the shed on its left and by the future vegetable beds on its right. I want to try growing vegetables in the "square-foot gardening method", using a raised bed, and I hope I have enough light to grow the vegetables successfully in this location. If not, I will have a cutting garden for fresh flowers.
The second picture shows Andrew's trenching for the greenhouse. I bought a ton of plants today at Lowes and will be busy this week getting everything planted. We watched 2 DVDs this weekend. Match Point: really liked this one and the ending is pretty good. An Unfinished Life: this one was ok, a little predictable, but a nice story in the end and good acting by Bart II.
Since we discovered Moe's burritos, we decided to try making them at home. Veggie for me and steak for Andrew. They turned out really good and we will definitely make them again for weekend lunches. Just get some black beans, southwestern style rice, lettuce, cheese and wrap it up in a torilla wrap. Andrew adds steak and sometimes salsa to his. Dinner tonight was a new recipe: Red Lentil and Brown Rice Cassarole, from La Dolce Vegan by Sarah Kramer. It was very easy to make, just put the red lentils, brown rice, crushed tomatoes, onions, spices and vegetable broth in the cassarole dish, bake in the oven for 90 minutes, and then add some veggie cheese on top under the broiler.
This would also make an excellent filling in a torilla wrap for lunch too. I also made a batch of marinara sauce for freezing. This is a great sauce to have ready in the freezer for quick suppers. I was supposed to make muffins and cookies tonight, but I am doing laundry and think I will watch the final episode of Survivor instead.
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