Happiness is...a little green garden

Thursday, April 27, 2006

Walking on Campus

I have been trying to go for a 30-45 minute walk each day at work, and today was a perfect day for it - 71 degrees, breezy and sunny. The image to the left is from around noon today from a campus webcam showing the amphitheater with the reflecting pond behind it. I have lost about 10 pounds in about 3 months. I gained about 5 pounds from quitting smoking and freaked out when the scale said I was weighing the highest I had ever weighed in my life. So I decided I had to do something because I was not going to start smoking! Changing my diet has helped the most. Cutting out the animal products means no fatty and greasy food which saves ton of calories. I fill up instead on fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes. On this type of eating plan you can eat all day and not gain weight. And I am drinking beer too! I do not miss the greasy animal food at all. Occasionally I will have a latte with Andrew at work. I am not going to deny myself anything so if I am in a situation where eating healthy really isn't possible, I will eat what everyone else is eating. Mindy is wondering if I am getting all my protein and vitamins, etc. and the answer is yes. There is a ton of protein in beans and the fruits and vegs give all the vitamins. I take a multivitamin in the mornings when I remember, and so far I am feeling pretty good! PS: Andrew got home safe and sound around 10:30pm last night but the airline lost his bag! The cats were very happy to see him and instantly wanted to play and run around.


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