
On Saturday night we watched the DVD "Munich". It was a pretty good movie. Made me glad that I am not a secret agent - I couldn't stand the pressure. After work today I mowed the grass and Andrew drilled a hole in the foundation for the electrical pipe for the greenhouse. I still have yet to order the greenhouse! The photo is the last azalea of mine for the season. "Last" means that it is the latest bloomer in my yard. It is a very pretty clear light pink and never seems to get attacked by the mites/aphids/whatever that attack my other azaleas. Maybe I will learn how to propagate it once I have my greenhouse. Unfortunately I have no idea what cultivar it is. The boat is still in the driveway. Andrew wasn't feeling that great yesterday so we just took it easy after doing the grocery shopping. Hopefully we can launch it soon! Dinner tonight was just leftovers. For desert I had some of my favorite raspberry chocolate from Whole Foods.
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