Nature Walk
First I cross over the stream - it is small now but with a big rain and run off this gets too big to jump. The deer also use this crossing point, you can see their tracks as well as my boot tracks in the mud.
Next I visit the beaver dam to check that it is ship shape, and it always is. I think he comes out each night to check on it and pat down the mud into a solid mass.
Then I follow the deer path along the now dry channel. I hope the water comes back so we can canoe this year.
There are always lots of killdeer tracks in the soft mud. I didn't know what type of bird was always screeching at me as I walked down the edge, so I googled tonight and discovered it is a killdeer. They nest on the ground and a parent will feign a broken wing to lure intruders away, but there are no nests yet. I think they are just scouting for territory.
In the garden, the first few daffodils have bloomed and there are lots more to follow. And one of my moss phlox volunteers has started blooming, so spring is not that far away now!
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