Pad Thai
Today Andrew worked from home so he could watch some World Cup. I walked over to the campus postoffice this afternoon to meet John to pick up my and Andrew's payout from the past pool session. He said the current team is roughly in the middle of the pack. There are now 14 teams in our division since they didn't want to create a whole new division just yet. Renee is not playing because she doesn't want to hang out in the smokey bars (she recently quit smoking, and so did Stu and Benny). I agree, it is nice to not be in some of those bars - the Spot is ok but some others do not have any ventilation. It has been 5 months now for Andrew and I not smoking. My counter on my webbrowser at work says I haven't smoked 3,081 cigarettes and I have saved $570.00. So far so good. Sometimes it is a little frustrating since although I don't want to go back to smoking full time, the idea of having 1 or 2 is appealing, but I know that that would spell doom. I will not go back to smoking but that doesn't mean I can't complain! I still have the occasional smoking dream, but for the most part, day in and day out, it is getting easier and easier and I am feeling good.

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