A Great Margarita
Yesterday we made some progress on the front yard grass. We made the circle smaller and this week we need to add some more mulch and pick out weeds to get ready for reseeding in 3 weeks. Andrew also extended the heating tank overflow pipe so now our foundation will be drier. This morning I made applesauce so I could make this week's muffins and cookies. Making applesauce is very easy using the microwave - peel some 'bargin buy' apples (saving the peels in the compost pail!), slice and cover, microwave for 20 minutes, and then puree in the food processor.
Applesauce and a little safflower oil are used in place of eggs and lard, etc., in baking and thus the muffins and cookies are cholesterol-free. Then we went grocery shopping and filled up the fridge with fresh fruits and vegetables. On this week's menu is: 1. Penne with Asparagus and Herbs, 2. Black Bean and Corn Enchiladas, 3. Mountain Stew, and 4. Indonesian Fried Noodles. Each dish is really a 2 day meal so that leaves plenty for leftovers. We have been using the Vegetarian Times Cookbook alot recently and so far have not been disappointed. At the BiLo we took our blood pressure - Andrew was at 129/84 and I was at 115/72 - I really believe the lifestyle changes are working, but we should cut back on the beer drinking and we both need to lose a little weight (I could lose about 30 pounds!).
We went cruising on the boat today down to Portman Marina where we saw a few sailboats out for a race but there wasn't much wind so they were not moving very fast. We also went for a swim and noticed the water is a little cooler now. The air temps are down too. So definitely fall is on its way.
When we got back home, I made myself my first ever home made margarita, using a recipe from "The Great Margarita Book" that I brought home from Key West a few years ago. I swear it was the best margarita I've ever had. It was 100% blue agave tequila (Jose Cuervo 'Tradicional') and Triple Sec, and fresh squeezed lime juice. Shake with ice and pour into a glass with ice and a lime garnish. I didn't know it was so simple and easy!
Andrew made himself a 'Ceasar' - one of his favorites with clamato juice and Stolichnaya vodka. Then we made a new dish for dinner: the Penne with Asparagus. It was absolutely delicious. The vegetable broth, garlic, dijon mustard, parsley, chives and tarragon are blended in the food processor to make the sauce, which is poured over steamed carrots and asparagus, and combined with penne pasta.
It was very tasty and I am adding this to my favorites list. Andrew felt that the sauce was trying to fake that it was ricotta cheese, but I thought it was a great dairy free pasta sauce. The fresh herbs and lemon really stood out.
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