Garden Shots

After work I mowed the grass and took a few pictures.

I assembled the remaining bookshelves and arranged the sewing/knitting supplies on them. I bought the cheap little sewing machine so I could work on covers for the sailboat. It has come in very handy and is holding up well despite smoking a little while I was sewing up the mainsail earlier in the spring. If you look closely you can see some slippers that I still must send back to Canada. It seems I can knit them but I am having trouble actually mailing them.

As a treat this evening, I cut myself some hydrangeas for the house. I love their blue color. This summer I think I will cut more flowers and bring them inside. The plants are all getting big enough now that there should be blooms for the outside and the inside. I might even cut some of those Le Reve lilies for my office next week.
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