For Andrew
Andrew made it to Stockholm on Saturday and got to fly business class (the company booked the tickets for him), so the flight was great. He called me last night at 10:00pm my time which was 4:00am his time - he is jet lagged. Hopefully he is doing ok at 'work' today! Anyways, I promised him some pictures of the cats. The weekend for me was pretty good. I am in a total reading mode lately and just finished 'Julie and Julia' which I took out from the school library.
It is a book written by a blogger - her blog got very popular online and a publisher offered her a book deal. Her blog was all about her project where she decided to cook all the recipes from Julia Child's 'Mastering the Art of French Cooking'. I happen to have a copy of that cook book so it was fun to look at the actual recipes as they were mentioned in the book.
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