Happiness is...a little green garden

Tuesday, April 11, 2006


Tonight I made a new dish, penne pasta with pesto, red potatoes and green beans. I tried out an organic flax seed pasta. Having tried whole wheat pasta before and not really liking it, I thought I'd give the flax pasta a try. It was better than whole wheat, but still not as good as regular. This was a quick dish to make, and I like that the beans and potatoes and pasta are all approximately the same size. This was my first time making pesto. Unfortunately I didn't have enough basil as required by the recipe, but made do by adding in some italian parsley. It turned out ok imho.

After work, before dinner, I dug out 11 holes for the stella d'oro daylilies that I must move first before I can plant the new plants I purchased a few days ago. Tomorrow I can move them, and hopefully on Thursday I'll have the new purchases planted. I also mowed the grass which I like doing. I guess that is part of my dad rubbing off. Andrew is working on installing a new outside water faucet beside the crawl space door so I can have water access right where I need it. Once finished, this faucet will be used daily. I am really looking forward to the convenience.


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